Any ideas for a simple bot?

hello everyone,

im looking for a few ideas to make a simple robot using a picaxe 20x2.

i have an ir distance sensor, ldr's,motors,l293d,servo's,thermistor,and colour sensor.

any basic robot projects using these components would be greatly appreciated.

the challenges section doesn't get many ideas!!

thanks everyone

You can participate to this

You can participate to this challenge:

Build a robot with the motors for driving, use the IR distance sensor to keep at a certain distance to the wall and do wall following, use the servos to build a gripper, use the color sensor to detect the object (use a colored plastic disposable cup for instance, or a Coca-cola can if you’re too young to enjoy a beer). Also, you can use the termistor to check out the temperature of the cola and only get the chilled one :smiley:

So yeah, that’s about it, use everything you have and build a robot!