This project have the objective of designing an open DIY educational low-cost (components about 35€/USD) modular and extendable mobile robot based on Android and Arduino, integrated in the cloud, to be used as an educational tool in labs and classrooms of STEM, ICT vocational training or engineering courses, as well as in e-learning or MOOC courses as an alternative or, complementary, to virtual labs and soft robotics simulation.
It is a first step introducing what we call “BYOR: Bring Your Own Robot” education policy equivalent to “BYOD: Bring your own devices”. Andruino it is powerful but easy to construct and extremely low cost, as it is based in the student's smartphone.
Andruino R2 is compatible with ROS (Robot Operating System) and with iot clouds and try to bring deep learning and other advanced techniques to the STEM's classrooms and VET's.
1) Image recognition in non-structurate enviroments (Turn up the sound volume and activate subtitle)
2) Sending data to a cloud.
3) Multirobots:
4) OpenCV line follower:
5) Autonomous walking:
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Added a photo
Not sure why your primary image was not showing, so I added one as a placeholder (feel free to change). Will the acronym evolve to BYOBR = Bring You Own Beer Robot 
I wonder how many people got
I wonder how many people got into robotics solely because they wanted a robot to bring a beer from the kitchen. That was the first thing I thought of when I watched the “OpenCV line follower” video above. Wondering if I could get away with putting tape on my floor from the kitchen to the living room. If I ever get SLAM figured out, that will of course be an early goal - navigate from the refrigerator to the couch.
Does the android run ROS? Or
Does the android run ROS? Or is the androids job just to pass along data to a laptop? Very cool project. What kind of android phone and how hard is it to implement with an arduino?
I’m trying to solve the beer task and learning ROS
I have made a ROS robot of an mBot Ranger and first I used the firmware used by the Makeblock apps. But I soon noticed that the performance was not as good as I wanted. Now I’m using rosserial_arduino to get senssor values and also controlling the robot.
I wounder if you got gmapping to work and how you calculate the odometry, using only sensors from the phone?
I’m thinkin of use 3 ultrasonic sensors to do gmapping, are you using any other sensors?
Andruino R2 (andruino =
Andruino R2 (andruino = ANDroid + ardUINO) run ROS in Android, not in the laptop.
It combines Android’s sensors and ultrasonic sensors to odometry (, but a deeper work it is needed.
Anyone to participe in this project?