Android robot, physics lab

Some cool robotics stuff going on here by these guys plus much more

Animatronic, cool!

Thanks, here is a video of the eye mechanism in prototype stage if you’re interested -

It’s like the cookie monster has been skinned. Creepy.

It is. Creepily fascinating. We’d better get used to it though, it’s the future :slight_smile:

Yeah it is the future. I wish they wouldn’t make it look human though. I think it needs to be clear that something is a robot or a human.

Cool video though.

I know it creeps some people out but there are real advantages to humanoid robots. There will be a big difference in the way we interact with them compared to other robots. It also raises interesting philosophical questions about consciousness etc. It is the ultimate Turing test.

Mind you, if you think the physicsacademy robot looks human (I know it’s only in prototype stage and is built almost entirely from junk), then you should check the following. What you can do if you have the money eh!!!

More info: I am trying to generate interest in this project. It could be so much much better if we had the money, so progress is not as fast as I’d like but it is moving forward which is the main thing. This lab is intended to be an interactive educational online lab with 24 hr live streaming, where people can run experiments themselves and add/suggest new experiments, like improving the robot software, programming the ‘quantum computer’ plus much more. Basically, you at home, would have your own lab. This is the general idea but as you can see from the video there’s still a lot of work to do. Also I am looking to improve the youtube channel and make it more proffessional, so if anyone has any suggestions or advice that would also be most welcome. I am currently doing pretty much all of this myself. I have to work aswell :frowning:

If anyone out there is interested in the idea please get in touch via [email protected]

Kind regards
Justin (physicsacademy)

Cool video though. I think it needs to be clear that something is a robot or a human.

Cool video though :slight_smile:

This is intriguing in a “I wouldn’t like to see that on a cold dark night coming at me, but isn’t it cool” kind of way. I guess we should get used to it :no_mouth:
Think as things get more “robotic” humans will start dress more robotically to, like in this mens sweater I saw here: capthatt.

You also not posting like a human. Well you are human and doing spammy work like robot. Cool way of doing spam work