Android bluetooth robot

Bluetooth controlled Arduino robot. Send commands from a bluetooth terminal from an android phone to the arduino.


I'm using:

arduino uno:

sparkfun magician chassis:

adafruit motor shield:

bluesmirf silver: 


The ultrasonic sensor is set to stop the robot if it's less than 10cm away from an object. Work in progress..

  • Control method: Bluetooth
  • CPU: Arduino Uno (atmega328)
  • Power source: 6V *2
  • Programming language: C++

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Very Cool

Was the code for the IPhone straight C++/C or did it require some objective-C to implement?

Also, do you have plans to create your own IPhone interface GUI?  Touch Screen up, down, left, right arrows, with acceleration and break buttons ?    Regardless, nice looking bot…love your results thus far.


EDIT Never mind the Iphone comment … just reread your post :)  … Same question about the GUI though…any plans to make your own interface on the Android?

Bravo Razvan, bun venit pe

Bravo Razvan, bun venit pe LMR!

Nice robot you built there! Waiting to see more!

Please email me

Would you please email me, I want to send you a copy of my control app to play with. 

[email protected]

App info here


I think you can make it work

I think you can make it work on iPhone if you can install a bluetooth terminal and pair with the bluesmirf module. I’ve been thinking of making a simple java app to control the robot, or just use one of the existing ones (ex: cellbots).

Hi, thanks a lot! But I

Hi, thanks a lot! But I bought the app yesterday… I’ll have to adapt my code to make it work.

Multumesc! Inca sunt la

Multumesc! Inca sunt la inceput cu arduino, sper sa adaug mai multa functionalitate robotului.

Hi, thanks for the warm welcome!