Android Arduino Rover


The open source Robots everywhere software is available for download on the android market and more information can be found on

I still need to get the tilt servo working, there is map and gps support too that I need to set-up. I have a little circuit that converts the the audio out data from the app to standard serial for the controller, it allows for a bluetooth connection too, I had some trouble getting the two talking with that setup though.

I have tried the Cellbots Android app as well, I could not get the video feed working on the HTC Wildfire or my Galaxy SIII unfortuneately though.

I have one of these android media pc's coming in the mail, It looks like there is a version of ubuntu that it can boot, my plan is to get a webserver running on there and use a usb webcam plugged into the device as opposed to the phone.

  • Actuators / output devices: Dagu Rover 5 tracked platform (4 motors + 4 encoders)
  • Control method: WiFi & Full autonomous
  • CPU: Wild Thumper controller (ATmega168), Android OS
  • Operating system: Android & Windows 8
  • Power source: 8x1.2v NiMh AA batteries
  • Sensors / input devices: HTC Wildfire
  • Target environment: Indoor\Outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Good work!

Very impressive! It looks a bit like the Rover made by markcra. I suggest adding a case on top of the circuit board for protection.


Thanks! I will definitley be adding a cover, it will need it if it’s going to be missioning around outdoors.

thats cool! i too have a

thats cool! i too have a “spare” wildfire too. does it transmit the data through the audio jack?

Thanks for the mention

Thanks for the mention Andrew. The Rover 5 chassis is produced by Dagu and sold by many websites worldwide. I picked up my one second hand and tinkered with it a bit.

Love the paint job houareau, looks like it was stock (which would explain certain comments about it being ‘a grey one’), as if the photo of the parts sitting on P1000 sandpaper weren’t enough of a give-away. Perhaps you could write up a short description of how you got on with spray-painting your parts? I’m in the process of designing a body/shell to go over the electronics on my Rover 5 and I’ll be interested to see what design you go with. Keep us posted!
