Most of you know I've had a lot of interest in my cross the gap challenge.
So I asked Frits about us having a "Official" LMR online competition at the end of this year. He said he is interested, but has too many obligations to be personally involved beyond giving the final approval, and adding stuff to the home page, etc.
If you want to be involved with exploring this concept, we will have to come up with a new game, and write up the rules, and figure out who's judging the video's, etc. I can get prizes donated.
To keep things fair, the people who make the comp, can't win anything from the comp. Also I don't want to publicly talk about the game as to not give an unfair advantage.
Send me an email via "contact" shown under my profile. If you want to be a part of this idea.
Your page does not have a
Your page does not have a “contact” link on it.
I have had a similar idea with another LMR member. Now that I have access to a laser cutter, I would like to participate in an official challenge by designing/making a trophy. The trophy would have to be something that could be used as a robot also obviously :). Tell me if this seems like a fun idea or not.
Great idea!
I could help out, but I want to win it first 
I would help.
I can help with brain storming and other things. I could not find your contact info.
Hahaha… I can’t belive. I
Hahaha… I can’t belive. I was just thinking about contacting Frits and tell him my idea. I have a really good idea, but it needs a lot of prepering. My idea is actually a sort of competition. It can bring a lot of people to LMR. How can I contact you? If you have msn or skype please send it to me.
Howdy Dario, I sent you a chat request to your email address.
I’ve also got a comp idea to share.
Questions -
Being this is an online robotics comp, each entry would have to make their own game board.
What size of board do you think would be the ideal size.
Me, I’m thinking most people should be able to do a 2ft x 4ft, (60cm x 120cm) game board.
If we did a game that required game pieces.
What do you think most people around the world would have to be used for these?
(edit to remove the email addy)
Rats…the box is checked but I can’t turn that feature on for some reason. (I thought “contact” was already on…DOH!!!)
But understand, this has nothing to do with my present game, and if you are a part of making this new game, you can’t win anything from this new game.
Also this game once finalized won’t be posted for a few months, and Frits has to ok everything before its made public.
We haven’t been able to converse off this forum, so I’ll bring this up here (which I wanted to avoid)
Also this is why I asked the questions I previously did.
I was thinking about making a game where there’s 3 tape squares in a row. Each square = 30cm by 30cm ( 1ft square )
The square on the left is # 1, middle is # 2, right is # 3.
The robot starts in 2, and is limited to a 30cm cube size.
There would be wood blocks in 1, and the goal would be to stack them higher than 30cm in square 3, as fast as possible.
By the rules of this website, I’d have to be able to solve this myself before posting it.
But I think this is very “do-able”.
Comments / Ideas?