
I was in Amsterdam for New years eve and ended up buying myself a coffee cup that came in a cool box. After I got home I put away my new cup and then thought about what I could do with this little box.... XXX AmsterBOT was born

Been playing with the code and learning a lot. I added a little video of Amsterbot's dance.

Next step is the Sensor.


PS- I asked my Lady to marry me on New years eve in Amsterdam.. so this bot is getting a machine shop made custom body and I already have a new dome for the new body. The dome shown on amsterBot is my practice run.

4/10/12 This is an older video. I have a new one I will post later today. Gotta love his new hat!

The bottom video is the newest video.


I have a new video and pics that I will post soon of Amsterbot's new/temp body. 


Avoid objects, move around random, make someone smile

  • Actuators / output devices: 3 servos
  • Control method: Arduino Duemilanove knock off
  • Sensors / input devices: HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

May I recommend…

HC-SR04 resource page. Library, hints, pretty colors :slight_smile:

Fire, flooding, and plague! The original XXX! Or some dude’s coat of arms. I like the former. Nice bot body either way.



Thanks for the link JAX!


Video should be up in minutes!

XXX Amsterbot

is shaping up to be pretty sweet. I wonder if some “strut tower braces” between the two servos would assist in cutting down on the extreme camber. :slight_smile:

Doesn’t that dome interfere

Doesn’t that dome interfere with the ultrasonic sensor?  I DID read that it’s a "practice run."

Very cool looking robot.  Excellent use of that box.

good idea


My buddy is making the body out of Aluminum so the mounts will be better than hot glue and straight. Yeah the cardboard box will be beat soon:)

**thanks **

The dome is cut out for the sensor so it does not interfere.

Super slick

Love me my domed robots. You worked the sensor into yours nicely, well done.


on the pending nuptuals.



I love the little touches like he looks over his shoulder any time he backs up :slight_smile: in the bottom video.



omg! congrats chief!

I Like the theme!

Not strange, I’m proud to be Dutch. Hope you enjoy the Robot just as much as my country.


Super robot

Great, simple, and Resourceful!