Can someone please advise regarding the problem I am having in programming a blank new motherboard for a vintage (from 2006) Ambrogio Evolution L200 mower. The motherboard is labelled AM2000/10 and the microcontroller on the board is a H8S/2144A. The old programming software for this mower says that it for H8S/2148A microcontrollers and includes firmware files for this mower. I enclose a link to a Dropbox video showing what happens when doing the programming that seems to conclude OK but leaves the mower display saying PROGRAM ERROR. The firmware files are .a27 files and I suspect that despite the programming software being updated they may not have been updated to this version of the board. What I really need is .a27 firmware that is known to be matched to this version of the board.
Hi @glcohen and welcome to our forum.
Sorry to hear about the problem.
I think it would not be so easy to find these firmware files.
What does Ambrogio support say? They should be able to provide some support.
Thank you.
Thanks for your response.
I have sent many messages about this to the Ambrogio help people using their on-line query system but they have not responded.
If they have an email address I have not been able to find it - please tell me if you know one.
I have now found that the only way to program this particular board is to use their newer programming system called Ambrogio Client - version 6689 - and this involves a separate download of a bootloader.
I have a copy of Ambrogio Client but no firmware files - and the program fails to connect to the ZCS server - I think that it needs various passwords which I do not have.
I have been in contact with the person who wrote the original flash program (his email was attached to the program) and he has said he will pass on my question to someone in ZCS.
But I am not holding my breath!
Thanks. I will try them.
I have still not had any response from the various contact methods I have tried for Ambrogio.
The background to my problem is that the replacement AM2000/10 motherboard I was sent by ZCS a few years ago had become faulty and I have a non programmed AM2000/10 board which ZCS had accidentally sent me when they were sorting out my previous problem.
However, I have discovered that the original motherboard in the mower was a AM1000/04 which I know could be programed with the old Ambrogio Progamming program so is it possible that the /10 version just changed the way the firmware was setup (maybe to prevent it being copied)?
I would like to completely delete the existing bootloader and firmware in the processor and then try loading my known good firmware using the old programming method.
Can someone with deep knowledge of H8S/2144 microcontroller programming advise as to how to erase the bootloader and firmware using a serial port connection.
I have tried setting the processor MD1 and MD0 pins to Mode 2 and then doing a hardware reset on pin 1 but this did not do anything.
Just to add to my previous post I have now been able to get into the Boot mode of the H8S/2144a microcontroller and was able to erase the user memory. Unfortunately when loading the old version of the software I still get the PROGRAM ERROR message on the mower display. So I wonder if there was some sort of hardware change to the AM2000 board between version 4 and 10. The program I used to do the programming was the Renasis Flash Development Toolkit version 4.09 which you can get from the Renasis website. The hardware changes need to put the H8S/2144a into Boot Mode are to set pins 5 and 6 to 0V and pins 23, 24, and 25 to 5V and to then do a reset by momentarily setting pin 1 to 5v. I therefore need the correct *.a37 file for this board.
In the end I managed to get in contact with the ZCS technical people who were very helpful. The solution to get the mower working was to first use an EEPROM erasing .a37 file and then the version r209983 of the .a37 file with the programming done using the old ETflash programming environment.
However, that was not the end of the story because I then found that a problem with the ribbon cable was preventing a response from pressing the pause button and when this was solved the cutting motor cut out after a few seconds showing an E3 error on the display.
I thought that the E3 error was because of a failed HALL sensor but I eventually found that one of the Vias on the cutting motor Hall sensor board was open circuit. Fixing this produced a fully working mower.
Thank you for sharing these details with our community
And I am glad that mower is finally working
I have the same problem with my A200 lawn mower. Could you send me the firmware you received? I can using the same old programs that I can update to A200, but I haven’t gotten the firmware file anywhere.
My mower is an L200. I enclose the zip files ZCS sent me. After un zipping you need to first use the .a37 erase eeprom file and then the appropriate .a37 file. (30.4 KB) (1.9 MB)