
aMaze is A Maze solving robot.

Custom build using an Arduino bootloaded atmeag328p as the brain, a SN754410 as Motor Control, all wired on a solderless breadboard and fitted to a laser cut chassie designed by myself.

It solve's the maze by using the left-hand rule and remembers all the turns so on the next run, it'll go straight to the finish. Line detection is from a Pololu QTR digital array (without the Lib).

A Big Thank you to Patrick McCabe as his maze solving tutorial is the best.


I've attached the Robot Chassie Design and will upload the code when i get another chance (as .ino is not acceptable). UPDATED! Code is attached.

All the extra holes on the chassie are incase I ever want to put a UNO or Mega board on it. Plus room for a 9g Servo, IR/Ping sensor mounts, LDR's and what ever else I could think of ;-)

Solve's a maze and remembers the quickest route.

  • Actuators / output devices: DFRobot 6V
  • CPU: arduino 328
  • Power source: 6V
  • Sensors / input devices: Pololu QTR Digital Array
  • Target environment: Indoors on a Maze

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Re: .ino

You could just rename the .ino to .pde, or, just add .txt to the end of it.

On another note, nice bot, and, good work.

Very nice robot!

It looks like how I make robots, but the wiring is much neater!

Just a suggestion for the future:

Add a servo and a sensor (Ultrasound or IR) to the top in front and with a bit of reprogramming, you have a wall avoider! (Autonomous even!)

There is a lot of potential there!

Any way you look at it, it is a great robot.



Done :slight_smile: I just was in a

Done :slight_smile: I just was in a rush.

Cheers for the comment.


good construction, 


I can study much of this … Thank for the posting to forum


need code

sir please sharre the code on [email protected]

**Need Code **

sir please sharre the code on [email protected]

need code

sir please sharre the code on [email protected]