

I present Aluminum autonomous robot, it rolls around without purpose just to avoid the wall into the body.

It is built with an aluminum frame, two modified servo, 1 SRF05 ultrasound, 1 red LED and picaxe 08M2.

The SRF05 is connected in single pin on C.4

C.0 = led
C.1 = servo 1
C.2 = servo 2
C.3 = nothing
C.4 = SRF05

Programming is in progress ....


Navigate around via ultrasound

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 servos modified for continuous rotation
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: PICAXE 08M2
  • Power source: 4 AAA Rechargeable Batteries
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF05
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thanks jinx! Good idea to

Thanks jinx! Good idea to C.3. The IR can be funny and use the last connection of the 08 M 2

thats so sweet and awsom :smiley:

thats so sweet and awsom :smiley: its just one of the bots that says im so cool and it is cool

Sweet ?! Ok tucker 98 :slight_smile:

Sweet ?! Ok tucker 98  :-)



Tres bien fait! (je ne peux

Tres bien fait! (je ne peux pas faire des accents avec mon ordi)

hahaha! that’s so cool, the

hahaha! that’s so cool, the aluminum chassis is so compact, awesome!

Thank you all! My future

Thank you all! My future goal is a micro sumo to participate in competitions in france… I work on it for 2013. 
Merci Robotgoose sa fait plaisir !

I love LMR !! There are

I love LMR !! There are plenty of good idea

Yes Jinx single pine :slight_smile: For

Yes Jinx single pin :slight_smile: For the sumo will be another robot that I have not yet built… Just made the schema… It will be done with a 18M2 and L293D

Thanks Jinx, L293D (600mA)

Thanks Jinx,
L293D (600mA) or L298 (1 A) still me have to know the consumption of the motor when pushed in. (engine RM2)
I’ll test on plate to choose the best.
I will use the following component: 18M2, L293D OR L298, RM2 engine, SRF05, CNY70 line sensor