Almost got my stuffs for learning to build a first beginner robot

I just got almost all of my packages for starting with robotic and I am thrilled but lately busy with my work so probably will start to work on it soon once I got all  my stuffs :D


To be continued...

I wish to build a humanoid and I check LMR by the keyword humanoid we have several projects but some of them I don't understand :D because I am just a beginner I guess. And to build an autonormous humanoid it will involve with lots of math calculation and honestly, I am not good at math :(.

And here is the one I just bought because I like humanoid but it is not a humanoid just a toy body only :(.

But it is not hurt to dream! maybe I can bring it into life and play football in the field.


You are one lucky dude that
You are one lucky dude that you can say almost!! :slight_smile:
Btw, what are those gloves for? Are you welding something? Because I don’t expect you to burn the skin off your hand while soldering… :slight_smile:

I just followed the book :smiley:

Yes has ha just saying :slight_smile:

Not even start building one robot yet and I just followed the book for the first chapter :smiley: and he recommened to buy that glove for chemical protection so I just bought all materials listed in the book I am currently reading.


wow! that’s a lot of stuff!!!

wow! that’s a lot of stuff!!!

Agreed. What are you

Agreed. What are you planning to make first? (or you could very well have enough to have planned out your second and third :wink:

haha, the heavy duty glove

haha, the heavy duty glove was what caught my eye also…

Regardless, a soldering iron can do quite a lot of damage. However, a heavy duty glove like that I can only imagine it gets in the way of properly dealing with a soldering iron. So for Sho’s sake I hope he only intends to use that glove in said chemical handling, which I imagine it would only happen during PCB fabrication…

Indeed, that’s a lot of

Indeed, that’s a lot of stuff. What book are you reading…that makes you ordeering that nmuch stuff?

Haha, zhe gloves was also the first thing i was wondering…but as some already said, better to have it when you need it. For PCB production i would recommend some less heavy ones LOL

Robot Building for Beginners (Technology in Action) David Cook


This book Robot Building for Beginners (Technology in Action) by David Cook.

But some other stuffs I bought while following the robot built by our friends here at LMR so not all of them are listed in the book.



Has ha yes some are very tiny stuffs!


Has ha yes some are very tiny stuffs!



I wish to build Line following robot first!

GeneralGeek Geek :D,

I wish to build Line following robot first!



Just to be be careful!

Like solding sometimes involved with cancer if sth included with LED.



I am glad that you take time

I am glad that you take time to learn from a book. But honestly, books are just a guide, you will learn much more by doing the actual task. Once you got all your ordered parts and tools just start building something. Start make the LED blinking…learn how to program. Once the LED is blinking make a servo moving. Since you have a programmer background that should not be that hard :wink:

I understand that humanoid bots are very attractive but for beginners it’s a nogo. When I startet thinking about to fly model helicopters i checked out the model flight feld near my home and did talk with the guys there. They suggested me to start with a plane snce helcopters are hard to fly (at least at that time) and much more expensive. As the result i spend only 1/5 of the money on a complet model plane set with everything (remote, starter, fuel, tools, starter battery etc). I had so much fun with it that I not regret my decision. I am still looking at a helicopter but i would never miss the experience with model planes.

What i want to say is that you can dream but also get into the fun by choosing something else.

I am looking forward to your first project.

Thank you Lumi! Got it!


Yes you are right! I will go with small robot and get my hand dirty is much better than reading the book.



Ok, good :)But don’t get me

Ok, good :slight_smile:

But don’t get me wrong, the book is a good guide when you are still not certain with some procedures. Just use it as the guid when you stucking :wink: