Alliance of Droids - Companion Robot - Help needed!

Hello everyone. Just so everyone knows, I am an absolute beginner when it comes to electronics and that sort of stuff. I built my own R2-D2, but it wasn't motorized.

I want to build a companion robot for the Alliance of Droids - my charity. I was planning to use some Arduino's for the project, as well as a controller system.

I want to know the estimated cost, the parts I would need, and some more information.

If anyone would be interested in helping me, please visit my website @

Thansk for your help.


Custom design

A bit late to reply - were you able to get the project started? If not, still need some input?

I’m new also, but i’ve

I’m new also, but i’ve noticed this company makes robotic kits for beginners, etc.

Recently spoke to someone who said Arduino is very old school now…that’s coming from someone who has designed and built a robot along with a research and delvelopment team, its 2017 now so the tech is awesome for guys like us who are just starting out.

I’m going to build a companion bot also with ezrobot hardware.

Can be connected to a Roomba and you have a base for your robot that will also vacuum and charge itself. : )


Old school

Arduino oldschool? It’s the most popular microcontroller platform in the world with a whole range of boards.

In my opinion EZ robots is quite limited: you can’t make a stand alone robot, you can’t change the hardware and you can’t change the software. A Raspberry Pi with an Arduino as interface for example is smaller, cheaper and way more flexible than EZ robots can ever be.

Just saying what another

Just saying what another said, as you know i’m new, but i know Arduino has been around a long time, and not everyone has the time to learn the coding needed with Arduino. I’ve seen amazing results with the  EZrobot software, for what i want for example it wiould be perfect.


I know ezrobot software can connect with irobot/Roomba, etc, not sure about Raspberry as thats something i know nothing about.

I’ve read conflicting posts in other forums, Arduino vs EZRobot, and EZrobot seems to be very popular.

He’s wrong.

I don’t know what the other guy said, but he is wrong. Just do a Google search. EZ-robot has a about 600,000 hits on Google, Arduino 60 million!

But if you feel the need to buy an EZ robot kit, go for it. You can always spend a few bucks (That’s right, less than 10 bucks including shipping when bought in China!) for an Arduino clone later and experiment with it. The Arduino language is easy to learn btw.


Thanks, i’m still open to

Thanks, i’m still open to opinions and haven’t settled on anything as yet.


 But can i ask…being new as i am, how long would it take to learn Arduino and make my Omnibot and Heariod Bot 100% autnomous say compared to ez-robot software?

Also Arduino would be more powerful with more support i suppose also, i really need to delve into it soon, but just having trouble deciding.

Greatly appreciate your help thank you : )

Cut and paste

This is cut from a forum post-The ez robot platform is a true multitasking “Robot” controller… By contrast, the arduino is a micro controller which is good, by not nearly as powerful as the ezb4 is.

EZ Robot hands down… It does everything… voice rec, colour, face, object, motion tracking… 24 digital ports, 8 analog ports… Take a look at my video (google inMoov Bartender on youtube

I’ve watched the youtube video and was very impressed.

I think i will go with EZ-Robot for the Omni and Hearoid, i will be upgrading the Omni first so will see how it all goes.!topic/inmoov/Ij-nmDG7oGg

It does everything

No it does not! The software on your computer/laptop does most of the work. I’ve heard this argument before, “the power” comes from your computer runnning the software to control the EZ robot hardware.Open source software exists that does the same as EZ robot and more, connect whatever interface you like and you’re in business. The strong point of EZ robot is that it makes everything easy, that is it’s power. All other claims are myths or just plain lies.

I think your right also

I saw your reply yesterday and thought i’d better look a little more into Arduino, etc, and your right ez-robot’s power is it’s simplicity.


I watched some Arduino powered robots on youtube and was very impressed.


I have quite a powerful laptop now so at least i have that covered. : )


I have a awhile until my 2 robots arrive, well 3 technically but one is to stay oroginal while the Omni and Hearoid Bot will be totally restored and 100% autonomous, so i have some learning to do and parts to aqquire.

Thanks for your reply again : )


As titled, i have narrowed down my best choices, Raspberry is very interesting, Raspberry is Linux, and i know Linux well.

Looking back i’m very happy i didn’t go with ez-robot, would have been going backwards for what i want.

Now before when i said Arduino is old tech, that was from my friend who has a degree in Computer Science with a focus in intelligent algorithms and computer Vision.

He told me to go with Teensy in the end, but i want to build my first robot with Raspberry, could even use Arduino for basic functions for motors, etc. When i upgrade the other Tomy i will try Teensy.

I realized the forum posts i was reading in regards to ez-robot were mostly posts written by the makers themselves, saying they are more powerful, etc. After further research nothng could be further from the truth.