All Terrain Robot :)



Well this is my first robot it was to build to participate in some of the All Terrain Robotics Competitions.

This robot is the simplest and easiest to make.

The items required to build this Robot is mentioned below:

  1. Chasis[1]
  2. Clamping Clips [8]
  3. Motors(1.5A ; 24 V ; 300RPM) DC Geared [4]
  4. Wheels [4]
  5. DPDT Centre Off Spring Loaded Switches [2]
  6. Wire

Now Lets start the work :)

My robots Chasis dimension is 19 X 21 cm.



















Now the next step is to build clamps for motors. I used GI sheet for that purpose.

Now once i made these strips and fixed it to the chasis using nuts & bolts.

Now next thing is to attach Motors.

[NOTE : They must be perfectly aligned so that it moves in straight line]

After clamping motors i fised wheels in motors shaft

and finally robot looked like

Now base robot is complete...

Its just needed to get wired in order run

It uses DIFFERENTIAL MOTOR DRIVE to move left and right.

For Diffrential Motor Drive

Connect Left Motors in parallel and do same with Right Motors


After this you will get 4 wires out of your robot , attach them to DPDT switches and connect DPDT switches to 24 V Supply.

And your ALL TERRAIN ROBOT is done.


Advantages of this bot is :

It has good pickup.[High Torque]

It has good speed.[High RPM]

Better Control.[DC Geared Motors]

Its chasis is very strong and light and have adequate weight required for the robot.[Wood]

All others qualities are observed when you are in arena with this robot.


[Will be uploading mor pics and videos asap :) nd explain all the connections]


I have done few changes to the tyres in order to run on different surfaces.

Can move on any type of surface.

  • Control method: dpdt switches
  • Power source: 24V Battery Eliminator
  • Target environment: Outdoor Indoor Mountains Swamps Mars :P :D

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Not bad…

ty chris :slight_smile: i will upload

ty chris :slight_smile: i will upload the video then see it.

it is fast and agile :smiley:

hey is it real
hey is it real fast…i am follwing this

and yeh…i have a bot in
and yeh…i have a bot in progress, i am taking part in an all terrain robot competition and it has a small pool to be crossed…how to work over that … will urs make it …

Looks Heavy Duty
I am sure itcan carry its weight but wonder about the wheel alignment. Waiting for the video. Mabe conduit clamps might be tougher?