
The name was not explain that the processor used is Altera. ;) This robot i've built with my robot team to join the robot contest in my country. I like the material used to form the body, it's make from PCB. The PCB used to embedd the processor too. I use ATMega32 as processesor, and my friend wrote the program using C. Soon, i'll upload the video of this robot, it walk like a turtle, looking for the fire and extinguish it.

The first body design is using clear acrylic with 2 mm of heavy! It's make the servos work hard, and some of them get the gear broke. So i've idea to change the body using PCB, the light ones. Here the bottom..

The bottom body is use to hold the servos, and the line sensor are attached too.

Top body were hold the circuits, there are minimum system for ATMega32, line detector, tone decode and fan driver in one board...the simply way :D

the "wings" ...


For improvement of navigation, i've add compass module...but BTW it's not looks like a turtle again..pufhh.


finding the fire and extinguish it

  • Actuators / output devices: 8 servos
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF004, GPD2D
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nice oney! I am looking
Nice oney! I am looking forward for the viedo :slight_smile:

Nice, does it walks god?

This is a very nice robot.

But does it is good at walking?

And how accurate is te movement?

I want to see a video of it moving.

Pretty cool! What servos
Pretty cool! What servos did you use? Specs?

Well…all thanks.I’ve upload

Well…all thanks.

I’ve upload the video, see the pretty turtle…or crab!!! The movement is not so good, sometimes make scratch on my floor… the servos were not good enough to support the movement i’ve design…<i think> :). I use the standard SO3T GWServos, here are the specs:

• Speed (sec/60deg): 0.33
• Torque (Kg- cm/Oz-in): 7.20/100
• Size (mm): 40.6x20x42.8
• Weight (g/oz): 48/1.69

Do you have any suggestion for servo type?


Sorry for use bad english :slight_smile:

Cute & cool… For maximum
Cute & cool… For maximum coolness it should walk on sand.

They seem like pretty good

They seem like pretty good servos. It might be possible to add a smooth plate to the bottom of the robot, and add some rubber or silicon to the feet. The turtle movement is fun, interesting.



wow! extremely turtle-like!

nice one!

Yes…i did, my previous

Yes…i did, my previous design was added a smooth plate to help reduce the friction…but the “turtle” became sway when it walk. And it’s so disturbing the sensor’s work…so i can control the movement well. But i think it can be covering the servos from damage when it touch the floor. Is it the good servos ones??? Glad make you interest …thanks


Well i imagine that the
Well i imagine that the turtle will swimming at sea…:smiley:

Oh boy! A robot that moves

Oh boy! A robot that moves like a turtle and combats fire!!! 5 stars!!

The LEDS reminds me a crab as well!! Amazing work :wink: