Aibo ERS7 leg jitter

I have an Sony Aibo ERS7 and during the last months it got a Parkinson like disease. The front paws start to shake. I think the variable resistors that define the leg position are worn out and don’t give a precise output anymore.
Does anybody can give me a hint how to clean the potentiometers? Is this possible? Or how do I find a matching replacement?
The resistor is marked with “B14 550”, on the PCB is written “RV1101”. An internet search did not show me any similar part.

Would be cool to fix it. Currently he falls on his nose quite often :frowning:

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Hi @Jugl, and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

You have a nice robo pet :slight_smile: Too bad it’s shaking…

I’ve done some quick research. Could it be that your potentiometer is this one:

Anyway, if you are not sure, maybe you can unsolder it and measure resistance with multi-meter and then you try to find a replacement.

Hi @igor_X, thank you for the reply. I found some instruction how to clean the potentiometer (recommendation is to use “Kontakt 61”). The device you linked has the same name, but does not match in size. So I wil try cleaning before replacement.

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