Héyo it’s a serious business gays!
The IR bobot avoiding obstacles with perfection! It’s my first true programming robot !
Meanwhile the official video (I haven’t with what filmed it), Here is a video (bad quality) where I sent the robot to explore (video3) under my bed (it hasn’t found anything interesting, he just messed up some spider home lol).
The other is where I tested the PIBT (Philips IR bObOt télécommande) (video4)
Video 1 is with the first style ! I change it after because of some mechanic problems.
after change..
The robot was created with a cemetery of plastic ... hihi
IR bObOt withe PIBT
My finger after the injury in the Quadruped
But I still screw up
avoid obstacles
- CPU: PIC 16F84
- Power source: 2 x 3.7v nokia 1110 Batteries
- Programming language: Assembler
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/after-the-failure-of-the-quadruped-the-come-back-the-ir-bobot