Affordable Robotic Hand

In 2023, I started a project to create an affordable prosthetic robotic hand, which I completed in 2024.

When I began exploring how to produce, sell, and distribute the hand to those who need it, I, unfortunately, encountered the harsh reality of medical certification: an essential process with the unintended consequence of stifling small companies' projects at the outset.

So, I shifted my target slightly: a hand for robots instead of humans—an easier project to start with, at least in terms of safety, regulations, and costs.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Good work. I hope you’ll get your expected price.

Hi embeddedbarsha,

thanks :heart:!

Honestly, I am unsure which price the users expect to spend on an affordable robotic hand :sweat_smile:

I am open to suggestions :smiley: