Affordable 3D printer? (For small robotics)

Lately I've been getting frustrated with cutting, sanding and drilling wood. It takes lots of time and the quality is low. Im thinking a 3D printer is exactly what I need. Anything from the $300 to $500 range? Cheaper the better? 

Affordable 3d printer

I just googled cheapest 3d printer. Seems $200 could buy an entry level kit.

Search e-bay or aliexpress for "Prusa i3 kit"

Since you are in Canada i don’t know about custom office fees, but there are good kits from china at 250-300$+taxes.
Prusa i3 unassembled kit from germany e-bay if you are in europe.You can get a good kit for 260-270€, no extra taxes.

Low Cost 3D Printer

We’ve been looking for a while for a printer which would fit this category and may have something to offer in a few weeks. The details are not confirmed, but it should be in the price range you’re looking for with a build volume: of 100 * 100 * 150 mm ( 1,500 cm3).


I feel like the cheaper you

I feel like the cheaper you go, the more “rigging” you have to do.  That is just a guess.  I don’t own one.  I was on the verge of purchasing one, but backed out.  I researched the makers farm printer.  It’s based on the Prusa i3 build, but has a wood frame, which is better than acyllic that can crack.