Hi sire,
Problem description
I use the manipulator robot arm (Product code : RB-Lyn-840) ( Lynxmotion AL5D 4DOF Robotic Arm SSC-32U Combo Kit (No Software)) , the conrtoller used is Lynxmotion SSC-32U servo controller , and software I use is SSC-32 Servo Sequencer Utility
The question is : can I use sensor in this project connected to the controller and softwar or the software I use is districteed only for servo motors of this robot ?
sensors such as force sensor , weight distance and kinect sensors
I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering.
Thank you so much in advance for your help!
The software can only be used to control the servo motors, if you want to add sensors to the project you will need to use a microcontroller (the botboarduino for example) and program everything yourself (it is Arduino compatible).
Hope this helps,
Hi sire,
Thanks alot for your interest.
1-can I get a manipulator ( Lynxmotion AL5D 4 Degrees of Freedom Robotic Arm Combo Kit) (Product Code : RB-Lyn-484) , with controller : BotBoarduino to add any sensor to the system
as hardware and to the controlling?
2- How can get the code of the system ?
The BotBoarduino is an Arduino-compatible board, therefore you can use with it any code that runs on Arduino Uno boards (and shields, too!). Of course, you’ll have to be mindful of the pins used by the servomotor themselves as those won’t be available (they can be changed).
You can find code for the Lynxmotion AL5 arm series on the Lynxmotion GitHub. Here are some direct links:
AL5 (BotBoarduino)
BotBoarduino example code
I hope this helps!