AbHhGD - The Arduino based Hand-held Gaming Device

Dear everyone,

I found this great website by erik247 and I tried to implement it on my arduino but i think i am running into some errors. 

The link to the website is https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/44115

I downloaded the ABHHGD file and put the .h files into the Arduino>Library folder but it did not work.


Can someone help me ?



Jason LEe  


I downloaded the project and encountered a few problems:

  1. The zip needs to expand into a directory that exactly matches the name of the top level “ino” file.
  2. The project requires two additional libraries LinkedList & LedControl. Both available via Google search on github.
  3. The include file on line 16 needs to be capitalized to match the spelling in the directory.

When posting problems please provide a few details such as the generated error message and what steps you took to get to this state. Do not include source code dumps as these are very difficult to follow. When asking for help on your own code it is ok to provide short code snippets or provide a link to the project.

Please post you success.