ABBot: Advanced Boe Bot

The main goal of this project was to develop an autonomous rolling robot, based on Parallax Boe-Bot, but using two boards and microcontrollers.

  • It uses only standard, relatively cheap, Parallax parts (Board Of Education boards with Basic Stamp 2 microcontroller and several sensors and actuators).
  • It can communicate with the user by: 

      * Displaying information on its Serial LCD.
      * Talking through a TTS (Text To Speech) device.

  • It may be given a goal to be reached:

      * Photophile (search for a place where lighting is above a certain level)

      * Photophobe (search for a place where lighting is below a certain level)

  • It can move around by using wheels or the Boe-Bot Tank Tread Kit.
  • It can detect obstacles by using an Ultrasonic Range Finder.
  • It can avoid falling downstairs by using an Infrared Emitter and Receiver.
  • It can stop and change direction when its horizontal or vertical inclination is too steep.
  • It can detect temperature and humidity.
  • It can display, at user request, all its sensors info.

Here is a detailed documentation:

Autonomous rolling robot, based on Parallax Boe-Bot, using two boards and microcontrollers.

  • Control method: Full autonomous
  • CPU: Basic Stamp 2
  • Power source: 4xAA batteries
  • Programming language: pbasic
  • Sensors / input devices: accelerometer, TTS, Ultrasonic Range Finder, Thermometer
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Very impressed

 Excellent job and great docs. I reciently got a text to speech board off ebay, but it just goes nuts calling out random words. I gave up on it for a while. It is good to see some BS2 people coming here. Except for the Prop. I have no intrest in learning other languages right now. I am a better with electronics and robot building then programming for sure. Do they still make text to speech modules compatable with the BS2 and prop? I did find a emic text to speech object from the Parallax object exchange.


This is nice how long did it take u to build it?