A4WD1 autonomous program continually try's to turn right?

I followed the steps here lynxmotion.com/images/html/build134.htm so I am kinda stumped why the autonomous program wont work and if is is working why it would only try to turn the rover to the right.

Any ideas?


So many views so little replies :cry:

Without being able to see the bot I’m guessing, but are you sure the sensors are not aimed pointing to the ground a little? That’s the only thing I can think would cause the results you are seeing. Hope this helps…

Oh yeah… Make sure you are using the IDE listed in the tutorial I seem to remember an analog input problem with IDE I think…

Here are a couple videos we did today showing the rover, um, well, roving. hehe



I am using and raised the IR sensors up off the deck, I am still getting the same results as you can see in the video. Where in forward motion only the left wheels are turning.

Yes my robot behaves the exact same way only the left wheels turn only.

Curious, does it act that way indoors too? Try swapping the left and right sensors and see if the robots right motors become dominant. If the problem moves then it’s one of the sensors. If not it’s either the program or the motor controller or motors that are causing the problem. This is really strange. :stuck_out_tongue:

I get the same results no matter where it is ran. I have swapped the sensors from left to right as well as moved the one from the left to the back etc. Basically I have done all I could think of before asking for help with it. It’s hard to believe it is an issue with the motor controller as when I load the ps2 program I have zero issues with it and both the right and left drive equally. Here is a pic of the way the connections are made and the settings on the motor controller are in the same dip switch settings as required by the tutorial and work with the ps2 program like I said without issue.


Those look correct. More interested in seeing your motor controller switch settings. Just to make sure we didn’t leave a step or switch setting out of the tutorial. :blush:


I’m stumped… I do see the motor moving, but it seems to be less forward biased, or even just slower in general. I’m stumped…

Hahaha I figured it out you guys have the switch settings in the tutorial wrong. It should NOT be in Mixed mode. While I had it open I tried switching the dip switch to independent and sure enough both wheels turn at the same rate now. Thanks for all the help now to go play with my “rover” :slight_smile:

Ok I may have been a bit premature about it “working” it does drive straight now BUT when it encounters an object it does not back away in a turn it just backs straight up then heads right back for it… HMMMM?

Edit: This issue is fixed as well. It turns out I did not have enough angle on the front sensors, adjusted them and now it is backing away from things in a turn. :slight_smile:

I suspected as much. I looked at the original rover used for the tutorial and it is in mixed mode. I think another possibility is the A to D’s on the Atom chip. Try moving the left facing sensor to a different I/O pin, you will have to change the code too.

I think the evidence is saying the motors are working the way they should, but the speed and direction information from the program are not being calculated properly.

You will have to excuse me but what does “A to D’s” stand for? Oh and after three full days of solid use I must now charge the batteries (2 6 volt 2800mah) Not bad :smiley:

Sorry, didn’t mean to go all technical on you. lol

I just deleted the big explanation because we were able to duplicate your problem here.

We unplugged the GP2D12 from AX2 our robot acts just like yours. So what is happening is that sensor is not working on your bot. Can you tell me the color sequence of the wires going to the sensors. They should be red black yellow, left to right. Let me know…

While looking at the front of the sensor yes it is red, black yellow and I have also used the debugging program to test all of the sensors and all of report numerical values from 4 to 580 or so while moving a piece of paper in and out in front of them.

If all of the sensors wires are red, black, yellow, then there is another error. Look closely to see if the cables are installed properly, not transposed one pin to the left, right or up or down on the I/O grid.