Hi Zenta and all masters:
Finally, I got my Phoenix!!
I’ve already assembled it, and program the GP firmware in SSC-32, and program the BAP28 with the code in “phoe2ps2.zip”.
Below is my Phoenix demo V1.0.
Thanks a lot for all that have helped me before.
Though the robot can work fine, I still want to know more about the electronics and SW in this project.
(I don’t know how to write code, so some of my understanding may be terribly wrong… )
I listed some description of all the parts, with my understanding.
I want to figure out the relationship between these parts…
Please kindly correct me if there’s anything wrong.
SSC-32 :
The MCU( Atmel ATMEGA168-20PU ) already contains a sequencer for H2.
If we add a EEPROM memory on SSC-32, and program the GP sequencer in it, the oroginal sequencer will be replaced by the GP sequencer.
(The GP sequencer contains a lot of pre-written sequence, like the translation, body rotation or so.)
It’s a carrire of BAP 28 IC.
The BAP IC can create some commands from PS2 controller(translate the analog joystick movement to some sequence command for MCU on SSC-32),
and send these commands through the UART(TX/RX) interface to Atmel MCU on SSC-32 to initiate some sequences.
The sequences are stored in the EEPROM mamory on SSC-32 board. The BAP IC just send commands to control it, and no sequences are stored
in the BAP IC.
Lynxmotion Visual sequencer :
A SW that can create your own sequences by control the servos with scrolling the bars in GUI,and save these sequences
as a project. These projects can be exported to a memory dump file for the EEPROM on SSC-32 board. Thus you can
make your own sequences.
An excel spreadsheet that can create the sequences through the graphics. The PEP can export the “.csv” file, which can be imported to
the Lynxmotion Visual sequencer SW, and then export the dump file to EEPROM on SSC-32. Thus we can create our own sequences by PEP.
The next step, I wish I can finish the “attack” sequences that Zenta has demonstrated in the video.
So I think I should buy the Lynxmotion Visual sequencer first, and then download the PEP tool.
Is there already an exist file that contains the “attack” sequences and ready for download?
(Any files in this link? lynxmotion.com/images/html/proj098.htm)
Thank you all for your patience and kindness.
My robot dream has already come true!!
David Wu