A robotic dog was used in a recent Hyannis police operation. What else are they used for? - https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/news/local/2024/03/15/robotic-dog-spot-helped-end-seven-hour-standoff-with-police-hyannis-boston-dynamics/72934383007/

There are thousands of Spots in the field, used for industrial purposes, law enforcement and first responders, Boston Dynamics said.

This is a companion discussion for the article “A robotic dog was used in a recent Hyannis police operation. What else are they used for? - https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/news/local/2024/03/15/robotic-dog-spot-helped-end-seven-hour-standoff-with-police-hyannis-boston-dynamics/72934383007/” submitted on the community's news feed.
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