Hi all,
is there a specific reason why the Sequencer & Single Leg code has been commented out in the A-Pod Code? Is there a chance that I can enable it again?
Basically, I was thinking of implementing a sequencer on base of existing modes which are merged by magic code, since 25 Servos is quite a lot to record one by one… a small attacking sequence that is a mixture of headcontrol in rotate mode with wild rattling tail interupted by small forward attacks could be really scary. Unfortunately, the standard code + xbee stuff is already that big that it seems to be impossible to implement that on top.
Um, you might want to just start a new thread with your questions. Not sure tacking it on the end of the raffle thread is the best way to get attention.
I removed the single leg and GP part on the original A-Pod code since I needed more memory space for the XBee stuff. That being said, it looks like the PS2 code version should be able to compile with both GP and SL activated. But it won’t work properly since I used the same buttons (circle and cross) for other functions. The control file need to be modified first. It should be possible though. I might look into it one time. The single leg function shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve not made any sequences for A-Pod so it might be a problem for testing.
thanks for the quick reply! It’s helpful to know that there is no general problem with sequences (I’m not that keen on getting the single leg mode, I could do without, but sequences I really need). I’m already squeezing the code where i can by moving stuff to the remote, would you say that undefining cNoGP is enough if I manage to get the free space?
It looks like the cNoGP is more or less the same ifdefs that were done for some of the other versions of the Phoenix code, so it should not be a problem. So undefining cNoGP should get most of the code in place. Also a quick look through I don’t see anywhere else where the Cross(X) button is used so it maybe will just work.
I thought I would post my question hear so it’s well organized for other people to find
I am trying to reduce the amount the robot pitches over in rotate mode the bot can riley
beat itself up with so much rotation. Be for I can work on a finish shell I need to fix that.
I have been looking at the PS2 code section based on some help zenta gave me awhile back with walk mode.
Is it a div. factor of controller stick input? I am not much of a code guy. I think it is here not sure.
For Index= 3 to 6
IF (NeutralStick(Index-3)=1) THEN ;simply resets the IndirectDualShock to 0 gradually
IF IndDualShock(Index)>30 THEN
IndDualShock(Index) = IndDualShock(Index)-30
ELSEIF IndDualShock(Index)<-30
IndDualShock(Index) = IndDualShock(Index)+30
IndDualShock(Index) = 0
IF IndDualShock(Index) = 0 THEN
NeutralStick(Index-3) = 0;Reset
IF ABS((Dualshock(Index) - 128)) > cTravelDeadZone THEN
IndDualShock(Index) = ((IndDualShock(Index) + ((Dualshock(Index) - 128)/IDSdivFactor))MIN -128)MAX 127
ENDIF[/code] any help pointing me in the right direction would be most appreciated. :smiley: