A-pod, an ant inspired hexapod

How about using two teensy’s? :slight_smile:

This is the thing I don’t understand. The command within the Arduino library Pulsin() which is almost identical to the Basic Micro version if staggered in the correct method you dont need interrupts as the command exits once the pulse is either low or high depending on what signal you feed it, so if all the device is doing is reading the pulse then your fine writing code that does not need Interrupts. The only situation where you would be wasting cpu cycles on code without the use of interrupts is if you read the channels out of order, or you start the first pulsin read when channel 1 is already finished and wait till the next pass? right?

I guess that PPM encoder Alan linked above is pretty slick little circuit, and that’s an idea I had a while ago. However you could change the code to output a serial string which I think would be eaysier to parse. PPM is probably a bit lighter when attempting to interpret and requiring less pins.

They almost need a method to allow the Pwm data to be read and cached within a chip A then when chip B query’s chip A it provides cached results instantaneously even though the data could be slightly out dated by (500us-2.0ms*number channels) being read. Pwm to SPI?

Not sure what does this. the receiver I have does 50hz updates I think it was…

You could convert the incoming channels to SPI, serial, I2C, whatever! If you’re going to have other I2C, then that works well.

Best if the actual counter used to read pulse widths (ICR1?) needs to be done with an interrupt, you don’t want to be hanging around waiting for it. That’s where ServoDecode Lib does the job.

Alan KM6VV

hi zenta
I’d like to ask …
is it possible the source code here
can convert to the arduino programming language?
as in do kurte here

I do not have basic programming skills
but I will try to convert them.
or there may be willing to help convert that, hehehe :smiley:


Note: the stuff is I believe just a minor delta from our normal Phoenix code base and should not be hard to integrate Zenta’s changes for the A-pod into the Arduino code base. I have not done so as I don’t have one to test it on… Once Zenta has his Lyxmotion version up and running, I might make an attempt and then see if he could test it.


if my body kit done to create, I will try to step by step to convert that code base,
but I was a bit hesitant with my ability >,<