A few questions google has not answered

Hello everyone,


This is my first time building a simple robot. I am going to follow the "Start here" bot instructions, but I ordered a few extras to add in. I ordered a few leds and am trying to find a small speaker to use.

My questions:

1. What speaker can I use that will be compatitible with the start here project? (picaxe 28)

2. How do I wire said speaker to the picaxe properly? (I want to just play simple beeps and boops to start off with)

3. How do I wire leds to the board as well? There was a brief explaination in the start here project, but I would like a little more so I don't fry anything.

4. What are the limitations of this picaxe project, and what are some good resources to learn how to wire everything? (I have never delt with hardware projects, but have experience in software so I decided to see what I can create)

Hope I asked everything appropriately, if more information is needed let me know. 


Thank you all!


To expand on what OddBot said

There are now 4 manuals. I forget what the 4th covers, but, the 3rd covers hardware connection; speakers, relays, IR receivers, etc.

You just need to go to http://www.picaxe.com and click the Manuals link.

Thank you!

Thank you for the information! I am very happy to hear they have extensive documentation, and it explains my futile google attempt.