A Bit Confused

What am I missing? I attempted to start using routines in my programming but I am obviously not quite there. I have 2 programs that from what I understand do the same thing but the one using routines doesnt do anything.

First program:

int motorSpeed = 200; // motor speed

// Motor Pins

int motor1_Pin0 = 11;
int motor1_Pin1 = 6;

int motor2_Pin0 = 5;
int motor2_Pin1 = 3;
// Switch Pin
int bump1_Pin = 2;
int bump2_Pin = 7;
int leftval = 0;
int rightval = 0;

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SETUP
void setup() {

// set Arduino pins as outputs
pinMode(motor1_Pin0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor1_Pin1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(motor2_Pin0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor2_Pin1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(bump1_Pin,INPUT); //Bumper switch pins as Inputs
pinMode(bump2_Pin, INPUT);



// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOOP
void loop() {
leftval = digitalRead(bump1_Pin);
rightval = digitalRead(bump2_Pin);

if (leftval == rightval){

analogWrite(motor1_Pin0, motorSpeed); //All Forward
digitalWrite(motor1_Pin1, LOW);

analogWrite(motor2_Pin0, motorSpeed);
digitalWrite(motor2_Pin1, LOW); //All Forwards end

}else if (leftval > rightval) {

digitalWrite(motor1_Pin0, LOW); //All Backwards
analogWrite(motor1_Pin1, motorSpeed);

digitalWrite(motor2_Pin0, LOW);
analogWrite(motor2_Pin1, motorSpeed); //All Backwards end


digitalWrite(motor1_Pin0, motorSpeed); //Turn
analogWrite(motor1_Pin1, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2_Pin0, LOW);
analogWrite(motor2_Pin1, motorSpeed); //End Turn


}else if (rightval > leftval){

digitalWrite(motor1_Pin0, LOW); //Backwards
analogWrite(motor1_Pin1, motorSpeed);

digitalWrite(motor2_Pin0, LOW);
analogWrite(motor2_Pin1, motorSpeed);


digitalWrite(motor1_Pin0, LOW); //Turn other way
analogWrite(motor1_Pin1, motorSpeed);

digitalWrite(motor2_Pin0, motorSpeed);
analogWrite(motor2_Pin1, LOW);



So basically all I did was use the above code except after my void Setup() I attempted to create routines such as

AllForward() {

analogWrite(motor1_Pin0, motorSpeed); //All Forward
digitalWrite(motor1_Pin1, LOW);

analogWrite(motor2_Pin0, motorSpeed);
digitalWrite(motor2_Pin1, LOW); //All Forward end


and use that in my code i.e.




I uploaded and my bot didnt move at all...What am I missing?

In most languages there’s

In most languages there’s some phrase that alerts the copiler to the function definition - this diferentiates it from a call to the function. Quite often it is the word “function”. In wahtever language you are using it may be the type of the returned value - eg the "void"in front of the “loop() {”. Summary, I guess you need someting, perhaps “void” in front of the first “AllForward() {”.


You’re correct and in my

You’re correct and in my actual program I included it. My program that doesnt work is below:


int motorSpeed = 200; //Motor Speed up to 200

//Motor Pins
int motor1_Pin0 = 11;
int motor1_Pin1 = 6;

int motor2_Pin0 = 5;
int motor2_Pin1 = 3;
// Bump Switch Pins
int bump1_Pin = 2;
int bump2_Pin = 7;
//Where to Store Switch Variables
int leftval = 0;
int rightval = 0;

void setup() {
//Motor Pins as Outputs
pinMode(motor1_Pin0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor1_Pin1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(motor2_Pin0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor2_Pin1, OUTPUT);

//Bumper switch pins as Inputs
pinMode(bump2_Pin, INPUT);


void AllForward(){
analogWrite(motor1_Pin0, motorSpeed); //All Motor Forward
digitalWrite(motor1_Pin1, LOW);
analogWrite(motor2_Pin0, motorSpeed);
digitalWrite(motor2_Pin1, LOW);

void AllReverseTurnLeft(){
digitalWrite(motor1_Pin0, LOW); //All Backwards
analogWrite(motor1_Pin1, motorSpeed);

digitalWrite(motor2_Pin0, LOW);
analogWrite(motor2_Pin1, motorSpeed); //All Backwards end


digitalWrite(motor1_Pin0, motorSpeed); //Turn
analogWrite(motor1_Pin1, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2_Pin0, LOW);
analogWrite(motor2_Pin1, motorSpeed); //End Turn


void AllReverseTurnRight(){
digitalWrite(motor1_Pin0, LOW); //Backwards
analogWrite(motor1_Pin1, motorSpeed);

digitalWrite(motor2_Pin0, LOW);
analogWrite(motor2_Pin1, motorSpeed);


digitalWrite(motor1_Pin0, LOW); //Turn other way
analogWrite(motor1_Pin1, motorSpeed);

digitalWrite(motor2_Pin0, motorSpeed);
analogWrite(motor2_Pin1, LOW);


void loop(){
leftval = digitalRead(bump1_Pin);
rightval = digitalRead(bump2_Pin);

if (leftval == rightval){

}else if(leftval > rightval){

}else if(rightval > leftval){

Hmm, that program looks fine

Hmm, that program looks fine at first glance. Do you know how to use the Serial.println() functions to print text back to the computer? Use that and sprinkle some Serial.println()'s in each of your functions (like Serial.println(“Running AllForward()…”); ) so you can follow the code that is actually being executed. That will help to figure out what’s going on.


Try uploading the simplest

Try uploading the simplest sketch you can make that only turns on the motors to check it isnt your wiring causing the problem. </p><p>I see you are comparing the switches to each other. If while in a delay where your bot is moving that both switches get triggered, it will make an endless loop of the AllForward function as it pushes against the wall. Of course its not a problem until the bot actually starts moving :slight_smile:

I got the program working as
I got the program working as written above…the problem was the batteries. = /

A tip from the OSI model

Always check phsyical connections (including bad or drained batteries) first. If you know the code should work then it is most likely a phsyical issue. :smiley:


It was originally meant for network protocols like TCP/IP and the like but it also works for troubleshooting. :smiley:

Where’s the main

Where’s the main function?


You can’t forget int main()