Is there such a thing available stock? If so, where? I’d like to mate this omni wheel to a standard 6mm motor shaft or axle. One plan is to use two of the omni wheels (not powered, of course) for front and rear casters for W.A.L.T.E.R. Another possibility I’d like to explore at some point is creating an omnidirectional base using three or four omni wheels.
I’d like to create an SES compatible caster type mount using as many standard components as possible. Adjustability would be nice also.
This is one thing I want to do. I went to my local hobby shop today and found out they normally stock 6mm to 8mm adapter collars, so that part is taken care of now.
$17.00 per omni wheel might be a bit on the expensive side, but I am after stability and don’t want to mess with a caster that wobbles around when W.A.L.T.E.R. is on the loose. I want to get rid of as much slop in turns as I can and there doesn’t seem to be any source of good stable casters at present. The ones I have found are all fixed height and I haven’t been able to find any stock combination of standoffs that fit correctly for W.A.L.T.E.R. so far.
A ball caster would work well also, but I have not seen any that are adjustable height.