Hi Everybody ; We are preparing a school project With 4WD1 rover ; we are using mini atom bot board and Basic Atom 28. I want to contol our mobile platform from Computer using Serial port. Can Anybody help us how can we control our mobile robot with VB or C# …
We used Serial Port Object and open Connection but How Can we send string and what is string format
For ex Connection.write("???")
We would be greateful if you answer me as soon as possible ;
Thank you Very Much
Um, you need to write a program for the Basic Atom 28 that listens to the serial port for commands and then generates servo pulses for the motor controller based on those commands. Then you write a program for the PC that sends the commands you have defined out the serial port to the basic atom.
You might download the free PowerPod program, and look in the tools directory for C++ demo for the serial_h3 program. Although you may not be able to use the code directly, I’m sure you’ll see code to generate SSC32 commands, and some ideas on how to accept commands from the windows UI.
Also, as Eddie mentioned, you can learn a LOT from studying the Atom BASIC code provided for the 4WD1 Rover.
my problem continues i try to control the servo. i use serin but i cannot control and i’m not sure how serin and serout commands are used. Please help as soon as possible. in this command i try to use serout to control but i cannot take any data. i use c#.