(4WD1 Combo Kit for Autonomous V2)

Dear Lynxmotion, Inc.

         For ordering the kit Model Number  A4WD1CC-KT]
        (4WD1 Combo Kit for Autonomous V2)

   with the following specifications:
                            ·         combo kit for Autonomous behavior
                            ·         Classic 4WD differential drive system
                            ·         Heavy duty aluminum structural components
                            ·         Precision laser-cut lexan panels

Please clarify these points

                 1.    How the BASIC Atom Pro 28 Pin can be programmed, and how to burn
                      the program on the microcontroller?
                      (If there is a recommended program please mention it)

                 2.    Can the microcontroller be programmed using the C sharp
                      programming language?

                3.    For (Saber tooth 2X10 R/C Regenerative Dual Channel Motor Controller)
                     included in the kit can be swapped by Dual Channel Motor Controller

               4.    Which battery of the three recommended batteries is the best for the kit?
                    and how many ?

              5.    What is the difference between

                       ·        Sharp GP2D12 IR Sensor
                       ·        Ping Ultrasonic Range Sensor
                       ·        and Ultrasonic Range Sensor ?

 and please confirm that:

             1.    The kit includes all the mechanical parts required to assemble the vehicle.

Please state your best price and best delivery time

Awaiting your soonest reply.
Thank you,
Muhammad Arafa

Please read this tutorial to see how the Atom is programmed.

The Atom can be programmed in C but you will have to ask the more experienced programmers for help with this.

You will need a dual motor controller. Not sure what you are asking here…

You can use a single 12vdc “AA” pack for the drive system or you can use two 6vdc “sub-C” packs in series. If you’re using servos on the bot you will need either a 6vdc “AA” pack or “sub-C” pack for them. The larger packs last longer. Either are suitable.

Sharp is IR and the two other are ultrasonic. The sharp works at about 30" and the others have about a 9’ range.

Of course it has all the mechanical components.

The prices are on the website. When you place your order you can select from the UPS shipping services available to your area. The items are in stock and ready to ship.

Nope, the BAP28 can only be programmed in the languages basic, C or ASM. C# is a OO language developed by Microsoft to run on the .NET framework. This will need a much more powerful processor including OS to use. Most of the uC can’t be programmed with a OO language. If you do want to use C# you should consider buying a PICO ITX or RB100.

I hope this helps.


Quite true.

There are PICs with OO languages.


Might be of interest. But You’ll be using a PIC, not a BM “module”.

Alan KM6VV

hi,i would like to inform about some questions…

1- the Saberooth 2x10 R/C ( the drive controller ) is ok to run from a microcontroller
but we need to get feedback signals from the motors to microcontroller (speed , Distance , position)
so we have two options to buy the kit as it is and we design the feedback circuit. or we find another kit with feedback.
can we take feedback signals from the sabertooth 2x10 r/c? or do u have another sabertooth that can provide us with feedback singal?

2- the sensor Sharp GP2D12 IR Sensor. this is an Infra Red distance sensor but we recommends ultrasonic sensors as it has extra distance range in our kit…Can it be compatible with our kit?

3- the powering option: as we know that we choose the 6.0 Volt Ni-MH 2800mAh Battery Pack (BAT-05)
so it produces 2.8A continuously for an hour
and as for the operation of our 4x12vdc motors,2 servomotor drive and the bot board { microcontroller board } we need to make sure how many batteries we need and on what formation ( parallel / Series )?and the max. capacity of 6.0 volt NI-MH 2800mAh battery pack (BAT-05)

We have a new motor controller that works with encoders. But it’s not ready for sale yet. It will take another month or so before it is ready. :frowning: For now I do not have a solution.

Yes you can use the ultrasonic sensor instead of the IR ones. But you will have to change the program.

For the motors 2 x 6vdc 2.8Ah is best. Connect them in series. For servos a single 6vdc 2.8Ah is best.

Dear Mr,

I’d like to use ultrasonic sensors instead of the infrared sensors with the (4WD1 combo Kit for autonomous V2).
So I want to know

1-what is difference between the ping))) ultrasonic range sensor and the ultrasonic sensor?

2-what is the rated current of each one ?

3-Can the ultrasonic sensor be mounted on the kit and does it requires any housing ?

The ping uses 1 I/O pin instead of 2. They are almost identical.

I do not know the rated current of the two devices.

We have a bracket called the Multi Purpose Sensor Housing that can be used to attach the sensors to the rover.

so i’ll have to buy the Multi purpose sensor housing when i change those IR sensors with the ultrasonic sensors, right!!!

The multi purpose sensor housing works the same for the PING as well as the Sharp IR sensor. It is a very nice way to mount any kind of sensor to the robot.

yes i know that
what i’m asking about is should i buy this housing when i change the sensors or it is provided with the kit ?

The bracket is a seperate item. It does not come with the sensors.

The kit does not include the brackets. They are optional. For a list of what’s included you can click More Info then see the header What’s Included. Hope this helps.