
As soon as I have so more time to work on this robot I am planning to publish all my files and add more information to this page.

This robot uses hoverboard motors and custom electronics for driving 4 sensored BLDC motors. The robot is still in development phase. I plan to publish all CAD files, PCB design files and the complete source code. Stay tuned for the update. To assemble the robot all you need is just some laser or water-jet cut aluminum panels and a drill. There is no welding required, because everything is designed to bolt together.

For now here are some pictures:

album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/86czikKZ5BjLZLo18

Unedited assembly video: https://youtu.be/5QTNXUiM4EU

Some design files (6.8.2018): https://goo.gl/CvvuSg


Motor test rig:

Motor controller for 4 BLDC sensored motors, "4troller":

Custom PCB with processor and 6 x BTS7960B inverter modules from Ebay:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/4troller

Nice project!

Looking forward to seeing the next steps!


Curious if you’ll do a payload test. The hub motors should be strong enough to support a human.

slick engineering good enuff for backwood farms…

good engineering on top of blunt-n-brutal hardware design…
i’ve been working on a similar robot with 10" wheels, and 4 wheel steering for use on a farm like a mini-tractor…
luv yer heat sinks… very interested in your control/drive electronics…
(you might look into getting one of those cheap electric screw drivers…
or your hands could end up like mine (5 operations so far))…

Payload capacity

I can stand on it no problem. I don’t know what is the maximum payload capacity of those motors, but as they came from hoverboards I would assume each motor should support at least 50 kg or 110 lbs. If I had enough time I would make a stress analysis in CAD of the whole robot, but I don’t really need to know the payload capacity and the chassis is heavy duty enough as is.

Electric screwdriver

I have some electric screwdrivers. The problem is that no electric screwdriver, not even with a torque clutch, gives you a positive feedback on how tight the screw is. These are relatively small M4 threads, cut in aluminium and can be easily stripped. That’s why I am using long screws to avoid that.

electric screwdriver…

true…  even the $500 adjustable torque screwdrivers i used to use do not fit all applications…

my point was to help reduce strain on your HANDS, from the repetitive action of many screw turns…

final torque i always do by hand…

all this might seem silly, when you are young and healty, time will tell…

sorry for the side track, your project looks great…

eager for more info on the electronics side of things…

i am mid-way through modifying hoverboard constrol electronics to take input from a pi pwn hat…



payload for most standard hoverboards is 220lbs…

since this robot design uses 4 hoverboard motors, and the heavy aluminum plate chasis, 400lbs seems reasonable…

main limit wild be from width between wheels and wheel base, causing low tipping point over center of gravity…



Motor Driver

Surprised at just how inexpensive the BTS7960B is on Ebay - $10 USD. Looking forward to seeing you share the code / connections.


any idea when you could update your project…?


VERY interested in your drive electronics…






btw: how do you upload a mugshot for accounts…?  can not find info on this site…

ignore the “btw”, FINALLY found it…   35 years, and still noob sumtimes…

Control Hoverboard Motors

Can you tell me how you controll the hoverboard motors ?
Im building a rc lawn mower with hoverboard motors and the same motor controllers like you but i dont get a good result.
Is it possible that i can get your source code ?

Thank you

Source code

Source code is available here: “Some design files (6.8.2018): https://goo.gl/CvvuSg”. This code works and is the same one as used during video shooting. Code still needs a lot of work. Happy to help.


I posted some of my design files “Some design files (6.8.2018): https://goo.gl/CvvuSg”. I don’t currently have time to work on this project and I don’t have anything new to share. I completed the assembly of the platform and wrote some basic SW so I could test the HW, but now I still have months of work to complete the SW.