4dof T-hex code with foot sensor support? Anyone?

I am building a hexapod that has 3d printed legs similair to the t-hex’s legs. I want to use the SFR-400 sensors for the feet, but can’t find any support on the code for it.

Anyone knows a ready working code for a 4dof hex with footsensor support?
Does the phoenix hexapod code support foot sensors?

Foot sensors or terraine adaptation is a work in progress. Hopefully someday


But what about all the hexes that come with them?

There aren’t any hexapods kitted with foot sensors. The A-Pod can use them, but it’s not part of the kit nor the programming. This is also true for any aluminum tube equipped tibia. They are available for experimentation.

I see… Is the a-pod code free for download? Or is it beeing kept secret by it’s maker? :slight_smile: lol

Have you looked at the tutorial? lynxmotion.com/images/html/build184.htm

You will find link to code in it!
