Hello, I am attempting to make a 4 wheel drive robot with capability to livestream its view back to me so i can drive it down a 1-foot diameter pipe to see whats obstructing the airflow. it goes approximetely 50 feet under earth so i need a strong signal. does anyone have any ideas??
If you can’t go in after it then tethered would be my first choice. Strong enough to retrieve even when the motors are against you and wires for communications.
As ggallant indicated, wireless signals cannot penetrate through ground / thick solids, so tethered is actually the best approach for control and video feed (as well as possible retrieval). Ex: https://www.robotshop.com/en/treaded-pipe-duct-inspection-robot-tethered-controller.html
USB WebCam
Make yourself up a 50 ft USB cable and attach a flash light to it and a Webcam…
50ft USB!!! Perhaps 50ft of
50ft USB!!! Perhaps 50ft of cat5 and ethernet.