3D Printing Pen

Hi everyone. :mrgreen:
I was browsing about when I came across this - a 3D Printing Pen! :smiley:
Not sure if you guys know about it already but here’s a link. ^___^



Quite nice…
Basicly what is in a 3D printer as extrusion part but in a handheld pen.

Yep, pretty much. :laughing:
I don’t like the “freestyle” drawing but the tracing to make shapes (like the Eiffel Tower) is pretty nice. :mrgreen:
But for $75, it doesn’t seem too bad. ^___^

Yes, price is nice.
Looking to build a Delta style printer. Soon…

NICE! :smiley:

I am in link with someone who already have design one.
He want to build a Mini version and i asked if i can hack and make as much as i can in plate design cutted on the cnc.

Will see where it’s going… :wink:

Sounds like quite a fun project! :smiley:
…I’m envious. :laughing:


How difficult would that be to make?
It looks pretty complicated. :mrgreen: :laughing:

It don’t look complicated to me… HaHa…
Compare to a normal one.

Getting back to that free hand drawing “or what id call freeform sculpting” i did once do the samething but with a glue gun.
This was even before 3d printing became available like today.
I still have it somewhere so i promise ill post a photo when i find it. :wink:

Hahaha, well then I look forward to seeing it soon. :mrgreen: :laughing:

I would like to see a photo of that. :mrgreen:

I’ll probably purchase one of the pens (once they’re available) to see how well they work - they’ve given me an idea for making brackets for another design I have in mind. ^___^

This is fascinating to watch, DiaLFonZo. BUT using that chrystal clear plastic material makes it very hard to see the finished product.

Actually, watching this made me realize there are at least two major “programming” requirements to using 3D printers:

  • Programming the machinery to move (similar to CNC).
  • Programming (choreographing?) the sequence of steps necessary to create large objects without trapping the machine tip inside part of the structure.

I imagine plannning the choreography might have to occur almost simultaneously with CADing the parts of the object.

To what extent are CNC programs that turn CAD into G-code able to automate this sequencing so the machine doesn’t become its own enemy?

Here is the GCode maker.
It take a .slt 3D file and (according to settings you put in) slice the 3D part in printing GCode

Here is an exemple of firmware that is uploaded in the Arduino base controller that move the Printer

Thanks, Eric,

I did not even understand the Table of Contents. :blush:

I guess you are saying these programs will automatically solve the sequencing and prevent the 3D printer from encapsulating itself.

The way those 3D printer work is they build layer.
They put material on the surface of the table, then the table go down the hight of a layer resolution.
Putting material on that new layer… and so on