Hi everyone. :mrgreen:
I was browsing about when I came across this - a 3D Printing Pen!
Not sure if you guys know about it already but here’s a link. ^___^
Yep, pretty much.
I don’t like the “freestyle” drawing but the tracing to make shapes (like the Eiffel Tower) is pretty nice. :mrgreen:
But for $75, it doesn’t seem too bad. ^___^
I am in link with someone who already have design one.
He want to build a Mini version and i asked if i can hack and make as much as i can in plate design cutted on the cnc.
Getting back to that free hand drawing “or what id call freeform sculpting” i did once do the samething but with a glue gun.
This was even before 3d printing became available like today.
I still have it somewhere so i promise ill post a photo when i find it.
Hahaha, well then I look forward to seeing it soon. :mrgreen:
I would like to see a photo of that. :mrgreen:
I’ll probably purchase one of the pens (once they’re available) to see how well they work - they’ve given me an idea for making brackets for another design I have in mind. ^___^
The way those 3D printer work is they build layer.
They put material on the surface of the table, then the table go down the hight of a layer resolution.
Putting material on that new layer… and so on