3D Printed "Transformers" Robot - Spiderbot V2

The Spiderbot is inspired by the "Transformers". It is a RC quadruped robot and has two modes of operation: spider and vehicle, just like the robots in "Transformers". It is Arduino-based and controlled by Android phone using Bluetooth. In this version, the inverse kinematics was included for a better robot movement. The normal wheel in the last version was replaced by the omni wheel, it provides higher mobility in vehicle mode.

Further infomation can be found at the link below:


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/3d-printed-transformers-robot-spiderbot-v2


Reminiscent of the Tachikoma intelligent tanks in Ghost in the Shell (animated series). They had wheels at the base of each leg and were also quadrupeds. Interestingly enough, also the same color.


Nice skills video

Nice skills video…so many different ways to move.  Great stuff, I wish I had your kinematic skills.

Cooool moves!

How cool is that! This looks awesome! Great build!