3D Printed Robot - Print-A-Bot - ARM

We (Roboteurs) are a startup company in Canada making robots for schools (K-12) as well as university / college. We've started creating 3D Printed robots that we think will be good for schools that have invested in 3D Printers and are looking for ways to teach with them. We just want to know your thoughts so far.<br><br>

We've designed a booster pack that works with any TI Launchpad that is compatible with the G2 format (ie. MSP430) The first model we've made is a 4 axis ARM with a gripper. We have some other designs but will release those later.<br><br>

We have a video of the robot here for assembly, electronics, and sample code: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEJo42oCLpM We would love to hear what you think about the robot. Thanks!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/3d-printed-robot-print-a-bot-arm

What about Me-Arm?

What about Me-Arm?

Great design

It’s great to see how carefullly you have optimize the design for easy of assembly (and easy of print), really nice job!

Where can I get the STL files and details for this?