3D Printed 1LB Combat Robot

Competition video is up!


throws stuff it hits

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/3d-printed-1lb-combat-robot

This is awesome!!

I want one!

Nice robot wars video.

Dear: AltaPowderedDog

I remeber when robot wars first came out. It is a pitty they went off air but anyways. That was one of the many inspirations for me to be a robotist. When I see your robot I see flashbacks of the past. Well done.

From: Noah

Great Job

Great job with your design and videos.  I really enjoyed watching your fights.  I think that 3D printed parts definitely have a place in combat robotics the trick is laminating the armor with metal or other materials.  The advantage is you can make things lighter than a milled frame allowing for more weight to add destructive toys.  I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.

Also I forgot to ask at the event what motor did you use for the spinner?


Jeffrey Olijar, Endgame Robotics (Death by 1001 cuts)


David Olijar, No Fear (No)

**Good to hear from you! **

I agree- I went too far with my conclusion in the 2nd video.  For parts that won’t experience sudden shock I’ll still be using 3D printing.  Switching to 3 cell, the smaller gearmotors, and direct weapon drive could let me run a more devastating weapon for 2.0- we’ll see.  

This is the weapon motor that I used, I chose it soley cause it was cheap and low-ish KV: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008W4VF3W/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1  

Cool. Here are the motors

Cool.  Here are the motors we use.


Drive motors


Weapon Motor


I ran direct drive in the past.  belt drive is much more durable.  also easier to get a decent kv rating when you can have reduction.


just bought a bunch of the 200 rpm version of those drive motors, should be set for next year 

Printing Files

Hi man… my children loved your video… Do you still have the printing files that you used? I have a 3D printer but I’m not very good modeling and I would like to build a small robot like yours with them.


Thanks for your help.