3D Carver of Invisible Stuff - My final video for Make

Hi guys,

The videos should be self explaining, so I'll just let it be with that.

I'll make the machine carve some stuff, and post some wacky shapes :)

A tip to a fun littlle project :)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/3d-carver-of-invisible-stuff-my-final-video-for-make

That’s awesome!

That’s awesome!

Cool but weird

I’m amazed at how your brain works :slight_smile: very cool project…kinda eerie too.


I have to admit I check some websites more often than I check LMR.


There’s is no escape Rik!

**Awesome **

I wonder  if i could have a 3d printer do the same thing except in reverse?

**thats a neat project. **

thats a neat project.    

you might want to try a ball-nose end-mill instead of drill bit.   it might leave a cleaner surface.    check out www.TitanMan.com.   they may not be a good source for you outside the US, but a great way to learn about cutting tools.

also wax or soap, or balsa wood might work.

I don’t want to be "that guy"

but why the F word?  

Thanks for the link. I’m not

Thanks for the link. I’m not a fan of ICP, but that song is pretty cool and at least now I get the reference.

that little servo thing

that thing you had on the servo with the little gear thing and that pole  where it went forwards and backwards, does it have a name? and can i buy one or did you make it?  thanks :slight_smile:

I am not 100% sure excactly

I am not 100% sure excactly what of the things you are interested in. Can you perhaps make a drawing of it, take a screendum and draw on that or something, so I can give you a good answer?


I think they are talking about the lego rack and pinion gear

Now I have no idea where to get one

Rack and Pinion. I got mine

Rack and Pinion. I got mine for my chess robot here: http://www.technobotsonline.com/gears/plastic-model-gears/plastic-rack-and-pinion-gears.html


I liked this topic better when it had the F word !

but I don’t wanna be “that guy”  -LOL


What? Its a joke!  -LOL


**Bye Frits **

Make will be not the same with out you

Thank you for your knowledge and inspiration and good luck

in your next endeavour 

**the rack and pinion **

the rack and pinion is exactly what i was talking abput thanks :smiley:

Oh, nice link, Patrick,

Oh, nice link, Patrick, thanks :slight_smile: I was using a mix of Lego and some random cogs… and hot glue :smiley:

Amazing creation Frits,you

Amazing creation Frits,you are very talented,thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

$€$€ if you do it again

Do you still have this setup?  I want to see one done with two magnets and then three.


You set it up just like you had it with same settings using repel of two neo magnets. Using a smaller drill probe mm or smaller.


Do it again with two magnets on the platform and one on the probe. Make sure to move the two magnets back so the surface of the platform magnets match the original single platform magnets. Also try to keep probe magnet unmolested*1.

Post some high def pictures of the sculptures in front of rule or measured grid board along with the weight(g) and dimensions(1/10 mm)  of each magnet and location.

What kind of tab(cost) would that run me? 




*1  I always laugh when someone so missuses a term when trying to give directions.

Very clever

Very clever setup Frits! Do you have some foto’s of the machine? I’m interested in how you built the simple XY and rotate robot. Does the magnet rotate with the object that is being carved?