360bot - Stepper motors are cool!

well that’s some info to get

well that’s some info to get started, anyway :slight_smile:

No, my stepper is a Sanyo, it has this id that i can’t find anywere i03 -556-0270. Probably is a very old stepper.

Anyway it has the same wires as your… now i just have to find a 12V input and i’m done. Burning my picaxe, i mean :slight_smile:

No use to use 12V! Just hook
No need to use 12V! Just hook it up through the darlington, and give it the 5V’s that the Picaxe is getting!

I’m pretty sure the first

I’m pretty sure the first step sequence wouldn’t work…i think it would just cause the motor to jitter and vibrate…servos aren’t as versatile as you think!


the second step is a text-book approved stepping sequence…i believe it’s called ‘double-stepping’…not sure though.