3 wiper motors connection in parallel to lift 20kg

i m using 3 wiper motor at once to lift 20 kg of weight. but they are not working properly. but the single motor is showing more power. m using 2.5 guage wire with 12V and 80amp.all 3 motors are connected in parallel and just lifting only 7 to 8 kgs. but when i m connecting single motor it is able to lift 5 to 7 kg

link for my robot pic


 help me to find solution






all 3 motors are connected

all 3 motors are connected in parallel and just lifting only 7 to 8 kgs. but when i m connecting single motor it is able to lift 5 to 7 kg

Sounds like power supply to me

It sounds like your power supply is not able to dump the required current to drive all 3 motors.

What are you using for power?

power supply

its 12V 80amp 




What exactly does that 80amp refer to? Is it 80 amp-hours, or is it capable of discharging 80 amps?

80 amp-hours

that the battery specification. 12V 80 amp-hours