3 axis robot arm design

Hello guys; Here is my first robot arm 5 axis design.The robot will be control through serial interface using microcontroller and PC based. The mechanical parts has been design using software Space Claim. Now im in process to laser cut the body ad maybe i can make is as a product to sell.Wait for another updates and happy robots.Please visit my website here: www.bizbot-technology.myportal.my

below is the video link:


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/3-axis-robot-arm-design

Looks interesting. I might
Looks interesting. I might suggest adding some kind of support in the arm to prevent it flexing or skewing if pushed sideways. Anything like horizontal plates or bars would make it a ton more rigid.

Yes.Thanks brother. I might
Yes.Thanks brother. I might put a horizontal bar to get more rigid body.

too dark
Can you make the picture brighter ? I am interested to see the gripper design.

5 Axis?

Is it really 5 axis? I see there’s 5 servos, but arent the two bottom servos paired into one axis, and the same with the “elbow” joint. And then one servo as gripper…?

Am I picking nitts now?

You’re correct, the arm
You’re correct, the arm design has 3 degrees of freedom. If either the lower or middle pairs of servos do not move in unison the arm will experience torsional stress at the end-effector plate, resisting further movement.

So will you add a swivel at
So will you add a swivel at the base and a joint at the wrist to bring the arm into compliance with the post title? ; j

I change the name to 3 axis
I change the name to 3 axis robot.actually the base can rotate 360 degree.Later i will add onother joint to make it 4 DOF.Then i the gripper can rotate 180 degree lefty and right make it 5DOF robot.

Checkout my video.I upload

Checkout my video.I upload the video that show the robot pick and place relay into a container

in fast way.

Can you upload your video to

Can you upload your video to youtube or another site that provides you an embedded link capability?

Also, if you are a vendor, can you post your shop? At the bottom of the home page on LMR, there is a link for Shops.

Where are you getting your custom machined parts?
and how much do they cost?

HEY THERE!Im from singapore.
HEY THERE! Im from singapore. Guess we are pretty close!

All parts and components are

All parts and components are designed using CAD software and is tested before cut. That means, i already have my prototype in simulation before i convert to DXF file for laser cut.

The cost is around $100usd…but that not include servo motor…i also sell servo motor.Price USD15 each servo motor. You can go to my website:


There are lots of project but later i will upload.Thanks for the comments.

hai there neighbours?how are

hai there neighbours?how are you?yes we are pretty close, but i live in selangor…maybe Johor nearby to you.Do you interested in robotics?currently i having problem on servo controller. If you see the video file, the arm moves too fast but not really accurate.any suggestions on controlling the servo speed?


Nice video. Good to see your

Nice video. Good to see your robotic arm in action.

Good luck with taking your idea into production.

Thanks brother for the
Thanks brother for the enthusiast

Finally i added a support at
Finally i added a support at the center of the arm and it looks strong and much stable.