2WD Problem

I bought a remote control car about a month ago and the novelty of the car dissappered pretty quickly. So I decided to make a remote control rover with a camera and such on it but the car cant seem to make it in the grass. It lasts for a little but then gets stuck which makes it pretty much useless to mess around with and i discovered that it is a 2WD. My Question is that would a 4WD do much better or should I just scrap it and make my own? (keep in mind I have no money)

If you have no money, I suggest you use your car on a hard smooth surface instead of grass and develop things there.

4wd would make a BIG differece. :open_mouth:

Need to have ground clearance though… my 4WD truck discovered this winter that all the 4WD in the world doesn’t do squat if you happen to hit a snow bank packed solid enough and deep enough that the wheels are not making contact with the ground. an r/c “car” in thick grass could have the same issue. :wink: