2d cad recomendation or help on linux?

Dear: LMR

Hello guys it is me Noah. Today I began to play with librecad on my ubuntu computer and I am really struggling with it. I downloaded another cad call QCad and it is far harder. Please guys this is coming from a guy who loves 3d modeling and never has used 2d before; So can you either help me get started with librecad like maybe a book recomendation or online tutorials, or recomend a new more user friendly software that is only for linux. TJust to let you know I am not willing to purchase any software. It all has to be free and no charge. Thank you.

From: Noah

3D CAD on Linux

The best 3D CAD software still seems to be WIndows based, but some ideas after a quick search:


Thanks Ben!!!
Dear: Ben
Thanks for the link I’ll check it out more in the morning. :slight_smile:
From: Noah