24 volt 1000 rmp motor with speed controll and remote for forward and reverse

Im looking to set up a motor that can be controlled with remote to go forward and reverse, also can controll the speed. What are my best options? This will be used to operate a pully system. Also would like the option to run off battery or be pluged into a power cord.

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Hi @Haventacluewhatimdoing24 and welcome to our forum.

I guess you would first have to choose appropriate motor, for example, if it is a brushed DC motor or maybe brushless or something else.

You can see which motors does RobotShop sells here:

Based on the motor type, voltage, and other parameters, you would choose a motor driver which supports RC control.

Some of the popular motor drivers are Sabretooth controllers:

Here you can find some RC controllers:

Power supply should not be a problem. Most of these controllers support both battery and wall adapter power supply.