2 servo quadrabot

A couple of months ago i was checking out all the amazing walkers on the website and really wanted to make one myself. The problem was the money, not having the cash to buy a hea p of servos. I then thought up a way of using 2 servos (1 for controlling the sensor and 1 for everything else). I have drawn up different sketches of it and have built little prototypes of some parts to test them, so far so good.

Right now i wont be able to post anything because of tidle wave of assessments and tests at school :P But at the end of this term i should have a couple weeks to put it together and show you guys :).....


navigates around on four legs

  • CPU: arduino uno

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/2-servo-quadrabot