2 sabretooth 2x60's for 4 wheel drive mower

I am trying to resolve a Problem with using a 1 motor each wheel setup. The Problem with a single sabretooth 2x60 was lack of real 4 wheel drive capability. The Problem was that If one wheel of one side lifted and lost traction the paired Motor on that same side would not drive. Only the raised wheel would uselessly Revolve. In other words they ceased to drive together. If I were to use only one Motor per side mechanically linked by chains this would not happen.Both would drive subject only to mechanical friction caused by the wheel which remained loaded. Differential axles suffer the same Problem which is why someone invented the Limited Slip Differential.
I thought I could solve the Problem by buying a second sabretooth 60 which I did from robotshop in Germany but now I simply cannot get my head around the wiring. I started Off by taking the left hand pair of Motors wires to the left hand Side of the left hand sabretooth and the left hand side of the right hand sabretooth. Ditto Situation for right hand pair reversed. Only 2 Channels are used with Y Connections to the sabretooths. It only sort of works but there is some cross polination from 1 side to the other . Maybe the dip Switch settings are wrong. I have tried various combinations.
My next thought was to use the left hand Transmitter toggle to operate the left hand set of wheels and the right hand for the right pair. 2 RC channels each side? I would be Happy with that because that is how most old school tracklaying vehicles Work. I do not need the Differential steering. This machine is a Slow mover on very steep slopes.

Is there anyone there please who can advise. Thank you.

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Hi @dede ,

This seems like a complicated issue.

I am not sure if using this two drives in parallel could work like this. Maybe you could use Arduino to send serial commands to both of these drivers?

Also, I would suggest to check this with [email protected] since they would know the best solution.