2 Original Lynxmotion Bipeds

Here is a photo of two of the original Lynxmotion Bipeds

Both fully function, autonomous, and operating with a Basic Stamp.

Check out those feet!


Nice bots!

What can they do autonomously? I think I see sonar, are there any other sensors?

I need to think up some behaviors for my newest 'bot Loki. I got some obstacle avoidance working, but that’s about it. I have two GP2D12 IR sensors and one SRF08 sonar sensor. I was thinking of adding a “light follower”, but there is only one light sensor on the ultrasonic sensor. I’d need two to follow.

Alan KM6VV

Right now, both of the robots compete in an autonomous walking robot race, and do a simple demo routine. The humanoid stands up from lying face down on the ground, and the Lynx 209 stands up from a crouched position. Then both of them walk a few steps and turns around, returns to the same starting position and sits down or waves to the crowd.


Neat! Those look real nice! I think I have seen them somewhere a while back, like on the LM web site. Lynxmotion yellow! :laughing: