2.5" hex standoffs available?

From the Tracks section of the site:

The 2" idler hubs are designed to fit perfectly between two panels separated by 2.5" standoffs.

The 3" idler hubs are designed to fit perfectly between two panels separated by 2.5" standoffs.

Are there plans to offer (or places that do have) 2.5" standoffs available?

  • Robert

I would like to see Lynxmotion offer these standoffs separately also. I am sure I am not the only one. :smiley: The 2 1/2" length is ideal for many things.


You have a typo I think. The 2" idlers are meant for 1.5" standoffs.

For the moment, I plan to get these for my 3" track:
digikey.com/scripts/US/DKSUS … e=1857K-ND

I also found some:

2" F/F, 7/8" M/F, 3/4" M/F, and 1/2" M/F 4-40 hex standoffs at DigiKey. I will be using these for W.A.L.T.E.R. and other robots where I do not need the 1 7/8" lengths. I prefer the single piece 1 7/8" standoffs Lynxmotion sells when I need that specific length.

I still have not decided whether I should go to 6-32 hardware or not.


We offer every part that we make for a kit by itself. Because we don’t yet have a kit based on the wider tracks we don’t have the standoffs. I have plans to make the kit but can’t yet offer any timeframe.